Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Temple Trip!

Dear Family & Friends,
Hola! What an incredible week! On Saturday all the missionaries in the CCM went proselyting! Yes, my 10th day of being in Peru and learning Spanish and I am out an about bearing my testimony of el evangelio y el Libro De Mormom in SPANISH! Okay, I barely did any of the talking. I left that for Hermana McInnis! She's amazing at speaking Spanish! But we did our best and every person we spoke with listened to our message! The people of Peru are so kind and willing to talk about their beliefs! They have a deep love for Christ and are always wanting to learn more and draw closer to Him! We gave out 8 Libro de Mormons and a bunch of pamphlets and invited 9 people to church! The people of Peru are amazing! I am still amazed how friendly everyone is and they don't mind giving their time to talk with a stranger! I prayed that God would lead us to people who were ready in their hearts. Twice I felt impressed that perhaps we had. Later Saturday night when praying I felt in my heart God's love for me and that I'm in the right place doing the right thing.
Today is Pday! WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!! I love the temple! Temples are the most peaceful and beautiful places on all the earth! The Lima Peru Temple is rather small but it is so gorgeous! I endowment session was in Spanish too, but luckily they had translators! 
Oh, so I LOVE my companions and my district! Seriously the most amazing people ever! Every night we have district dinner and during physical activities mi compeñaras and I do cross fit or play ultimate frisbee with the Elders in our district!  I've lost some weight! I'm not sure how much but I'm excited. Haha, I have to be wedding dress ready by the time I come home!
Sorry this email is so scatter brained! I am trying to remember all the things I wanted to email about before the time runs out!
Oh! So learning Spanish is crazy hard. We've already been teaching mock investigator lessons in total Spanish for the last week and a half. I honestly don't feel like I'm making any head way but I'm going to study my hardest. I have to learn this language as soon as possible. After Saturday I realise how much I need to be able to say what's in my heart and what the Spirit is prompting me. It hit me last night that I have 4 weeks to become fluent in Spanish... I know it takes about 4 to 6 months but hopefully by the end of 4 weeks I'll be able to write an entire email in Spanish! That's my goal! I know if I study my hardest God will help me with the language. Sunday night I got a blessing my from two Elders in my district. I was sick with the cold but couldn't keep anything down. In the blessing I was promised how I would regain my health and how God would help me with the language if I study diligently. It was the most powerful blessing I have ever received, the Spirit was so strong. I could feel in my heart that God loves me and is always ready to help. I just have to be obedient and work my hardest.
I wish I had more time to email! But I'm going to send some pictures!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Hermana Cornu

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